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2nd gear 6MT


Seasoned Member
Jun 17, 2022
Curious if others find second gear hard to engage compared to others? I grind second sometimes trying to get it in with clutch fully engaged. I think I have it and when I release clutch it pops out with a grind. Also have had a few cases where when I go second to neutral full clutch in it grinds. I have been driving manuals for many years and haven’t seen this before. It has done it on a slow second to neutral. If I move quick no issue at all.

4BW fyi
5BW no issues with 2nd or any other gears. Currently at 1500 miles and just as smooth as the first day. Located in Arizona so car never gets very cold
Curious if others find second gear hard to engage compared to others? I grind second sometimes trying to get it in with clutch fully engaged. I think I have it and when I release clutch it pops out with a grind. Also have had a few cases where when I go second to neutral full clutch in it grinds. I have been driving manuals for many years and haven’t seen this before. It has done it on a slow second to neutral. If I move quick no issue at all.

4BW fyi

Yeah, pretty typical of Tremec manual transmissions when the fluid is still cold. It feels similar to the Camaro 1LE and C5 and C7 Corvettes I have owned. Once it warms up though it should be smooth. If you are grinding once it is warmed up then something is wrong.
Yeah, pretty typical of Tremec manual transmissions when the fluid is still cold. It feels similar to the Camaro 1LE and C5 and C7 Corvettes I have owned. Once it warms up though it should be smooth. If you are grinding once it is warmed up then something is wrong.
Thanks for this, will have to see dead cold vs warmer. I live in Michigan and it’s getting cold for sure!
FWIW, my WRX STI also had a balky second gear when cold. And that was in Houston, where our "cold" is your "sweater weather".

I would simply double-clutch 2nd (and sometimes 3rd) until it warmed up. Worked a like a charm.
Yeah, pretty typical of Tremec manual transmissions when the fluid is still cold. It feels similar to the Camaro 1LE and C5 and C7 Corvettes I have owned. Once it warms up though it should be smooth. If you are grinding once it is warmed up then something is wrong.
Were folks trying different fluids to fix this or didn’t matter? Was a fix for Mustang MT82 manual that worked for me to smoot it out.
Standard Tremec behavior, as others have stated. In my SS, I changed the fluid with the OEM AC Delco manual transmission fluid and it was considerably better after that.
What do you mean by double clutch?

When you go to make the 1st-to-2nd shift:

a) Put in clutch, shift to neutral, let out clutch.

b) Put in clutch, shift to second, let out clutch.

It's weird when you first try it, but becomes second nature after a while.

Never tried it on a Tremec. But it worked on the balky 2nd gear on my WRX STI. Before that it worked on the 5th gear in my Evo VIII, which had a synchro that was going bad (a common problem with that trans).
So, the Tremec -6060 is one of the best manual tranny's out there, but it does have a couple of quirks.

The gates are very narrow and/or precise. Folks making the transition from other manuals often complain about missing shifts (2nd-3rd is most common). It takes a while for muscle memory to find the gates.

Here is where people will start yelling at me:

About a year after getting my 1LE, I contacted TREMEC and spoke with them about the recommended transmission fluid and service interval. I track my car and wanted to hear their recommendations.

Immediately they said to use their fluid: HP-MTF High Performance Manual Transmission Fluid (HP-MTF)

He explained that while the GM Dexron fluid works, the GM fluid is a cost saving measure. Not sure if anyone here is familiar with how to change the -6060 transmission fluid, but you drain and then refill, but only up to an 1/8" (or 8 ounces) of the fill port. You do not fill it all the way up. That is the procedure in the service manual and it is due to the expansion properties that ATF has when it gets hot.

Since the HP-MTF is not ATF, it doesn't expand the same way and you can fill the transmission until full. I switched to the HP-MTF when my car had about 8,000 miles on it and have used it ever since. I'm now at more than 100 track hours and 50,000 miles. I change the fluid once a year.

I just used my last batch of HP-MTF and called to get a refill. I was told the facility that distributes the fluid was destroyed by a fire and it would be months to a year before it would be available again. They said in the interim, to use Pennzoil Synchromesh. YMMV
I noticed issues with mine but I know it's normal operation for that gearbox. I keep the trans temp on my gauges which helps me take note of it but yes ultimately what everyone else has said.

I also tend to rev it out a little past 3k but I'm only using light throttle till I get from 1st to 2nd.

I also noticed I have less issues when I'm in sport and it's cold. But I don't know if that will work across the board.

Try using rev match on or try it off and see if it improves.

Try Rev Matching yourself, (your technique and not the rev match button). What you really want to see is how the trans reacts when it's cold at different rpms, so in short you want to match engine speed with wheel speed. I find that sometimes it goes in better if I shift a bit faster rather than finessing it in gear. Case in point, my Cayman is completely different, it's more of a finesse shift action whereas the Tremec is like a bolt action rifle.

I used to have a winter beater, 90 prelude si2.0. the clutch was going and sometimes it would not engage so I had to rev match. Its difficult but practice. You'll feel the shift engagement points go in smoother if you practice doing this technique and you'll put less stress on the drivetrain.

But if it's grinding after it's warm then bring it in and get it looked at. Makes sure it's consistently doing it or they will never diagnose it. You'll have to go for a ridealong with the tech.

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So, the Tremec -6060 is one of the best manual tranny's out there, but it does have a couple of quirks.

The gates are very narrow and/or precise. Folks making the transition from other manuals often complain about missing shifts (2nd-3rd is most common). It takes a while for muscle memory to find the gates.

Here is where people will start yelling at me:

About a year after getting my 1LE, I contacted TREMEC and spoke with them about the recommended transmission fluid and service interval. I track my car and wanted to hear their recommendations.

Immediately they said to use their fluid: HP-MTF High Performance Manual Transmission Fluid (HP-MTF)

He explained that while the GM Dexron fluid works, the GM fluid is a cost saving measure. Not sure if anyone here is familiar with how to change the -6060 transmission fluid, but you drain and then refill, but only up to an 1/8" (or 8 ounces) of the fill port. You do not fill it all the way up. That is the procedure in the service manual and it is due to the expansion properties that ATF has when it gets hot.

Since the HP-MTF is not ATF, it doesn't expand the same way and you can fill the transmission until full. I switched to the HP-MTF when my car had about 8,000 miles on it and have used it ever since. I'm now at more than 100 track hours and 50,000 miles. I change the fluid once a year.

I just used my last batch of HP-MTF and called to get a refill. I was told the facility that distributes the fluid was destroyed by a fire and it would be months to a year before it would be available again. They said in the interim, to use Pennzoil Synchromesh. YMMV
I do know that atf is the thinnest an oil can get which is better on the synchros. But grinding 2nd isn't a viable option either.

That's a shame about that supplier. If I thought it wouldn't void a warranty and it was available I'd use that instead.
I do know that atf is the thinnest an oil can get which is better on the synchros. But grinding 2nd isn't a viable option either.

That's a shame about that supplier. If I thought it wouldn't void a warranty and it was available I'd use that instead.
Agree, btw. While I do plan on using my Blackwing on track occasionally, I will be sticking to all OEM stuff.
Anyone use Redline D4? I use other Redline products in my vehicles and pretty impressed.
My (3500 miles 5BW Lake Mary, FL)1-2 shift when tranny is cold is smoother if I put slight directional tension on the shift lever to the driver's side when shifting 1-2. Also my 2nd gear synchros are happier cold when shifting 1-2 above 2500 rpm and certainly are happier when tranny is up to operating temp. I daily drive in FL so that is just after a few minutes year round....I intend to change my transmission fluid as well when I go for my first oil change.
After talking with the service manager at my local Cadillac dealer it reinforced my long standing strategy to never let dealers touch my fluids. That and I generally prefer to use non-OEM fluids whenever possible. Usually these are far better than OEM. For the rear diffy I will use OEM.
When you go to make the 1st-to-2nd shift:

a) Put in clutch, shift to neutral, let out clutch.

b) Put in clutch, shift to second, let out clutch.

It's weird when you first try it, but becomes second nature after a while.

Never tried it on a Tremec. But it worked on the balky 2nd gear on my WRX STI. Before that it worked on the 5th gear in my Evo VIII, which had a synchro that was going bad (a common problem with that trans).
Can confirm this helped significantly with my Chevy SS with the Tremec 6060 last winter. Does feel odd but works. Always 2nd gear
After talking with the service manager at my local Cadillac dealer it reinforced my long standing strategy to never let dealers touch my fluids. That and I generally prefer to use non-OEM fluids whenever possible. Usually these are far better than OEM. For the rear diffy I will use OEM.
That's kinda of my philosophy as well.

The OEM rear diff fluid is excellent. No need to switch. The OEM -6060 fluid is kinda crappy. I have used Redline D4 in the past and think it's good stuff.

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