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CT5-V Squeaking noise when pulling away from a stop or throttle at low RPM

CT5-V Model
Aug 9, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 Cadillac CT5 BW
Hi everyone, finally got my 5BW and the car has 1700 miles now and the car does not disappoint. Recently I notice there's a squeaking noise (or whining? I'm not quite sure but some kind of high pitch noise) when pulling away from a stop. It happens both when clutching out at first gear, or throttle at low RPM in other gears as well. Not at idle or cruising. I'm not super positive at higher gears due to wind noises muffling it. It happens both at start up or when the car is warm. Now that I think about it, it's not a new noise but I haven't registered it until recently, since I mostly drive it at night now when it's quiet outside.

The noise itself doesn't bother me too much but is noticeable even with window up. I'm just worried if there's any underlying issue I should address. Does this happen to anyone else?
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Hi everyone, finally got my 5BW and the car has 1700 miles now and the car does not disappoint. Recently I notice there's a squeaking noise (or whining? I'm not quite sure but some kind of high pitch noise) when pulling away from a stop. It happens both when clutching out at first gear, or throttle at low RPM in other gears as well. Not at idle or cruising. I'm not super positive at higher gears due to wind noises muffling it. It happens both at start up or when the car is warm. Now that I think about it, it's not a new noise but I haven't registered it until recently, since I mostly drive it at night now when it's quiet outside.

The noise itself doesn't bother me too much but is noticeable even with window up. I'm just worried if there's any underlying issue I should address. Does this happen to anyone else?

I posted a thread on a similar sounding issue, but I have a 4BW. Does it sound like any of the videos I shared? The post can be found here:

Thread '4BW - Chirp/Squeak Sound Low RPMS'
4BW - Chirp/Squeak Sound Low RPMS
It could be drive belt / pulley noise
Yeah it could be. Same with OP, I noticed it only happens when the car is warm. I’ll have the dealership take a peek when I get my first oil change done. My car is brand new, less than 1k miles.
Bumping this. Same thing happening to me. Anyone else?
I’m hearing a squeak now. CT5 BW. 600 miles. Any solutions before I call the dealer.
Mine does it too. I only notice it (sounds like a squeaking belt) when the clutch is coming out. If I get down to low RPMs in a gear without touching the clutch the sound doesn't happen.
Mine does it too. I only notice it (sounds like a squeaking belt) when the clutch is coming out. If I get down to low RPMs in a gear without touching the clutch the sound doesn't happen.
I’m hearing mine at start up at idle. I have to drive it more to see if it does it while shifting, etc.
Offered no value. But thanks
Much like your post!!
My CTS V3 does the same thing. At low speeds when I give the throttle a small jab it makes a small squeak. Same thing happens when I release the throttle as slow speeds
I’m hearing mine at start up at idle. I have to drive it more to see if it does it while shifting, etc.
I guess I should add that it happens there too. But when driving at very low speeds (5-10mph in first) it doesn’t do it. When pulling away from a stop the noise goes away as soon as the clutch is all the way out.
I guess I should add that it happens there too. But when driving at very low speeds (5-10mph in first) it doesn’t do it. When pulling away from a stop the noise goes away as soon as the clutch is all the way out.
So I did some driving yesterday. Mine seems to be the opposite of yours. At start up it does it and starting out in first gear. After that, it goes away. I have an appointment with the dealer on Tuesday. Hopefully, they don’t say it’s normal or can’t find anything.
You have CCBs by any chance? This is my first vehicle with CCBs and I get squeaks and high pitched "whines" when turning left (while moving).. Sounds I haven't heard from any vehicle I've had before. The issue is I'm not driving like a savage to please the CCB gods.

I'm sure you've prob ruled this out but figure I'd ask.
You have CCBs by any chance? This is my first vehicle with CCBs and I get squeaks and high pitched "whines" when turning left (while moving).. Sounds I haven't heard from any vehicle I've had before. The issue is I'm not driving like a savage to please the CCB gods.

I'm sure you've prob ruled this out but figure I'd ask.
I do not have CCBs. Definitely coming from under the hood. It only does it in low mph range. Idle and just starting out in 1st gear.

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