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People are idiots!!!


Seasoned Member
Sep 5, 2022
Hamburg, New York
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing
Not Blackwing related but yesterday I had an unbelievable experience. I was riding my motorcycle behind a small delivery van. There was also a vehicle behind me that I felt was following too closely. The van was driving considerably lower than the posted speed limit. I observed it drift over the center line causing an oncoming vehicle onto the shoulder to avoid a head on collision. I decided to keep my distance and assess the situation. I observed it cross the double yellow again and again force an oncoming car onto the shoulder. The van moved into the left lane and stopped at a traffic light. I didn't know if this person was intoxicated or experiencing some sort of medical condition but I knew something wasn't right. I pulled up alongside the vehicle and what did I see? That's right! A young woman was busily texting on her phone. I motioned for her to roll down her window which she surprisingly did. I yelled at her that she was going to kill someone. She replied that she was texting her boss and it was really important. I told her to pull over and do her texting. That it would be safer for all involved including her. The light changed and I went on. Not sure what she did. Honestly I was just amazed!! Twice she almost hit someone head on and still she didn't realize the levity of the situation. She needed to text someone and it was all about her! Okay end of rant but WTF? People really are stupid!!!
I see it all the time. Usually driving too slow and not keeping their lane in the left lane. Idiots
This was beyond anything I've seen before. I actually thought it was someone having a medical issue. She crossed completely into the oncoming lane twice. Both times forcing oncoming traffic off the road. Totally insane behavior!!! Definitely not typical
Sadly for others, it will become a self-correctung behavior sooner than later.
I see it far too often and it's unfortunately caused me to ride my motorcycle much less this year. Thinking about just selling it. Drivers suck.
I see it far too often and it's unfortunately caused me to ride my motorcycle much less this year. Thinking about just selling it. Drivers suck.
Yeah I think I was out on mine four times so far this year. I used to ride my bikes every chance I got including a couple of long trips every year. These people on their phones texting scare the shit out of me.!
I gave up motorcycles back in 2007/2008, just at the beginning of smart phones. I'm in the north NJ/New York City area. It was frustrating enough dealing with regular bad drivers back then, I couldn't imagine it now.
I gave up motorcycles back in 2007/2008, just at the beginning of smart phones. I'm in the north NJ/New York City area. It was frustrating enough dealing with regular bad drivers back then, I couldn't imagine it now.
I live in an outer suburb so I can be out in the country just a couple of miles from my house. That's where I do the majority of my riding. It is definitely scarier than before smartphones though for sure. Not sure how much longer I'll keep riding but it has been such a big part of my life for the last 45 years it would be hard to give it up completely.
I'm lucky too - all my riding is in the Hill Country, so I'm only in the city for the few miles it takes me to get out of town.

My biggest risk out there is wildlife and farmers.........which are both very real risks.
Another thing I’ve noticed is since Covid, everyone seems to be even worse, at least in Utah. The road rage alone is turned up to 10.
Another thing I’ve noticed is since Covid, everyone seems to be even worse, at least in Utah. The road rage alone is turned up to 10.
For me I've noticed the lack of courtesy more than anything. I should really wait but f... it I'm just gonna pull right out in front of you and you can just deal with it.
A bunch of old(er) coots complaining the younger generation...man, all is good in the world!

I'm not a purist when it comes to emails/texts when driving, but I am trying to be more disciplined about when/how. It's very specific scenarios (light traffic/open interstate) and its always eyes up using voice to text. 98% of the time I just take a moment when I get back to the car to review/reply as needed. As a sales person on the road all the time the temptation to respond in a timely manner is strong. The squating on green lights folks and text lane drifters are different level of suck.
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A bunch of old(er) coots complaining the younger generation...man, all is good in the world!

I'm not a purist when it comes to emails/texts when driving, but I am trying to be more disciplined about when/how. It's very specific scenarios (light traffic/open interstate) and its always eyes up using voice to text. 98% of the time I just take a moment when I get back to the car to review/reply as needed. As a sales person on the road all the time the temptation to respond in a timely manner is strong. The squating on green lights folks and text lane drifters are different level of suck.
If I hadn't already had someone run into the back of my truck while stopped at a traffic light I might be more inclined to agree with you. If I had been on my bike I probably wouldn't be here right now! It's just so dangerous and callous to take someone else's life into your own hands like that. The texts can wait until you get a chance to pull over. Period!
Hands free talk texting I don't have a problem with. If you're holding your phone in your hand and texting while looking at that little little screen instead of the road that's another story!
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I see it far too often and it's unfortunately caused me to ride my motorcycle much less this year. Thinking about just selling it. Drivers suck.

Yeah, I gave up riding before Covid. I've been riding since I was 19, with a few absences d/t purchasing my first house, career, etc. but I've had over 10 motorcycles, Japanese and German, and I loved riding. But with increased traffic and the incredible number of braindead idiotic morons driving around, it just got too scary and sucked all of the joy out of it. I still miss it. Every-so-often the wife asks me if I miss it and I quickly answer "yes" and then she asks if I'm going to buy another one, and I have to say no.

Another thing I’ve noticed is since Covid, everyone seems to be even worse, at least in Utah. The road rage alone is turned up to 10.

Yeah, it's not so much the rage as it is increased speeds, everyone is just flying! That makes it more dangerous, although admittedly I do get to work sooner. ;)
Yeah, I gave up riding before Covid. I've been riding since I was 19, with a few absences d/t purchasing my first house, career, etc. but I've had over 10 motorcycles, Japanese and German, and I loved riding. But with increased traffic and the incredible number of braindead idiotic morons driving around, it just got too scary and sucked all of the joy out of it. I still miss it. Every-so-often the wife asks me if I miss it and I quickly answer "yes" and then she asks if I'm going to buy another one, and I have to say no.

Yeah, it's not so much the rage as it is increased speeds, everyone is just flying! That makes it more dangerous, although admittedly I do get to work sooner. ;)
The flying down the road I can deal with…as long as they’re paying attention.

I agree about the lack of joy. My commute is mostly freeway with a 75 mph speed limit. But the rest is all downtown Salt Lake and it’s buttpuckering more often than not.
Couple of thoughts...I believe I heard the other week that auto crash deaths are up for the first time in years, mostly due to speed.

Also, out west here, it was mentioned that during covid, the roads were so empty that people were speeding like crazy. Perhaps that still hasn't corrected, especially for the younger folks.

We had a very bad semi wreck here, guess it early spring. The drive fell asleep, rolled the truck and died. Point is, local news went to a truck stop and interviewed drivers. It was interesting that many truckers said how bad the driving got during and after covid.

The other issue I see out here is that people drive way too slow, or way too fast, or just don't seem to care anymore.
Couple of thoughts...I believe I heard the other week that auto crash deaths are up for the first time in years, mostly due to speed.

Also, out west here, it was mentioned that during covid, the roads were so empty that people were speeding like crazy. Perhaps that still hasn't corrected, especially for the younger folks.

We had a very bad semi wreck here, guess it early spring. The drive fell asleep, rolled the truck and died. Point is, local news went to a truck stop and interviewed drivers. It was interesting that many truckers said how bad the driving got during and after covid.

The other issue I see out here is that people drive way too slow, or way too fast, or just don't seem to care anymore.
Can confirm on empty/fast roads. I had a great time in a rented McLaren outside of Vegas (Lake Mead, Mt. Charleston, Valley of Fire, Red Rock) in August of 2020. Put damn near 700 miles on it in one day.
Where I drive there are typically a lot of slow drivers (snowbirds). What I have noticed after the pandemic is there are a greater number of people at 10-15mph over the speed limit. There are more f-it drivers that don't seem to care or pay attention to what they are doing. Pulling out in front of cars, left turns into oncoming traffic. I always slow down to below the speed limit when going through a major intersection. If I did not I would have plowed into left turning cars on many occasions.
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