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The Blackwing reminds you that you are old…


Seasoned Member
Jul 19, 2023
DC...The Deep State
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 Ct4 V Balckwing
And will send a message into the digital dash to remind you that you left the turn signal on. So yea I was out driving and had used my left turn signal to get on the highway….forgot it was on and about three minutes later it’s told me “left turn signal on”…..all I need now is the checkered hat my grandfather wore.
And will send a message into the digital dash to remind you that you left the turn signal on. So yea I was out driving and had used my left turn signal to get on the highway….forgot it was on and about three minutes later it’s told me “left turn signal on”…..all I need now is the checkered hat my grandfather wore.
Landau roof, incoming!
"Driving hat" we call it!
I do feel old when exiting my blackwing. It's so low to the ground that I'm forced to proceed slowly and carefully.
The older and the bigger the car was the more attracted I was to it! Love BIG cars! Now I have a CT5 BW and it's small and not old looking? But it's considered an old man's car?
I leave it on all the time. Personally think the blinker sound is too quiet and the indicator is hidden behind the wheel the way I have it. Also think the stalk is too far away to hit easily too. Altogether not a fan of the blinker system lol, might be my only qualm with the car
This thread is funny, thanks all for the laughs this morning.

When I was discussing the purchase of the car with the wife (it's my money, but I find it safer to run these things past her first) she said "it's an old man's car". I replied, "I'm an old man."

I then got the argument "you've said that before and then you sold it and bought a BMW..." which is not untrue, but I sincerely hope that this car is the exception. Yes, I'm still waiting for it (bought and paid for, waiting for shipping).

I bought my first Corvette at age 31 because I didn't want to wait until I was middle-aged and be stereotyped. It was bad enough getting all of the gold chain jokes. I wonder what the new jokes will be.
My wife told me that I should not own a Cadillac until after 50 because it was an "old man's" car but I have always loved them and glad I finally have one..

I purchased a C6 Corvette during my midlife crises and loved that car too but it was very hard for me to get in and out of... Traded it for a Jeep so I had to get rid of my jorks and new balance shoes.....
Landau top reminds me of this.

Unfortunately, I had one of these. I was driving a Corvette back in 1975 for work, and the company wouldn’t continue to pay my insurance on it so they gave me this car to drive. What a POS! However, Ricardo Montalban was the man! Check out his pecs in “The Wrath of Khan”

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Unfortunately, I had one of these. I was driving a Corvette back in 1975 for work, and the company wouldn’t continue to pay my insurance on it so they gave me this car to drive. What a POS! However, Ricardo Montalban was the man! Check out his pecs in “The Wrath of Khan”
Didn't you enjoy the fine corinthian leather?

corinthian leather.png
My '05 CTS-V also had the "turn signal on" alert feature which would come up on the radio display. The first time it happened I thought it was hysterical, but the second time, it made me feel old.
I leave it on all the time. Personally think the blinker sound is too quiet and the indicator is hidden behind the wheel the way I have it. Also think the stalk is too far away to hit easily too. Altogether not a fan of the blinker system lol, might be my only qualm with the car

+1. Too quiet, not properly located, poor tactile feedback. Not a big deal, just a minor thing GM should have done better. Just part of buying a GM.

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