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Florida Checkin In


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
United States
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2014 CTS-V
My 2014 V Coupe (Manual Tranny) arrived off the truck Friday from MO - my temp tag arrived today at noon - so I went home at lunch and drove my dream car (well now old dream car) for the first time today. And I think I laughed the whole way back to the office :biggrin:

I live in South Florida and work as a web developer/designer for a large ecommerce website. I am certainly into speed as I race a 1000cc Suzuki on the expert club level (CCS). I have been without a fun car for a while and just commute in my old F-150, decided to spoil myself a little bit and I am certainly happy I did. I look forward to being part of the community and learning from your experience on ways to expand on my baby.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community :blinzel:
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Congrats and welcome to the Cadillac V-Net! :rocker:

Post some pics of your 2014 when you get a chance.
Congrats and welcome to the Cadillac V-Net! :rocker:

Post some pics of your 2014 when you get a chance.

Thanks man, I plan on breaking out the DSLR this week-end, will post some pics once I do :rocker:
Welcome to the V-Net!

Yeah, post a picture when you get a chance.
took a while to post these, but here is my beast





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