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New member here - with a laugh in store for you


Jul 21, 2012
Solano County
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2006 Tarnished Silver XLR-V
Hello all,

Name is John...have a 2006 XLR-V and have a quick story to tell...

Note the photo...spent a day at the 3rd annual Saratoga Car Show (7-22-12) next to a crap minivan (driver was too drunk to move it the night before)...some owner of a certain vette got really tired and posted this sign. I truthfully tell you that folks were:

...wondering when the caravan came out with a Hemi
...wondering who would ever actually place a supercharger in a minivan
...absolutly convinced that it was for sale for $249 and called the number...

It was a pure day of entertainment...both at the ignorance of the folks asking the questions (since I was next to this...I got asked a lot) and the fact that amist the high value cars, here sits a icon of over indulgance (booze-wise)...the guy will probably never hear the end of this!


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Hi John. Welcome to the V-Net.

Thanks for the laugh. I wonder who was on the other end of that phone number?

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