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JB4 Tuner info


Seasoned Member
Feb 4, 2024
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 ctsv4 bw
Anyone here have the jB4 installed? Wondering about what y’all do when you go to the dealer. Do you have to unplug everything or just leave it if your only getting like oil change etc. My dealer plugs a reader into the obd port to scan for codes and wonder if this will show up on it. It’s hard to tell how this plugs into the obd port from the pics I have seen.

Also anyone have this as only mod and if so what are your feelings about it? Sounds great to add good power and no worries with keeping your warranty.
I’d remove it before going to the dealer.
Dealers are now required to plug into your vehicle for any warranty work and GM is always looking for a reason not to pay a claim. Be super careful if you don't want to void the powertrain portion of your warranty. There are many cases of manufactures voiding a warranty for tuners.

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