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Happy Holidays!


Seasoned Member
Nov 4, 2011
Mustang, OK
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
'11 V Wagon, ( '13 427 Vette & '21 Vette)
Thought I'd jump in here and wish everyone a happy holiday season.

I'm planning a long weekend mostly with my wife. The kids live in other states but we'll talk to them on the phone.

If you follow the news, there's lots of bad news out there - the media hates good news.

My wife and I have had a pretty good 2012. I still have my job and my wife got a promotion. We bought a new Corvette this year and it's a joy to drive. The kids are okay.

I always try to be positive - it makes the world seem like a better place.
I hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROPEROUS NEW YEAR!!! Safe
travels to wherever you are headed for the holidays!!
Here's hoping all the V owners here have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


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