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The Incompetence is Astonishing

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No you don't understand. One time I shipped a car and it went fine. Also I own a lot of cars. Therefore, GM is incompetent.
Season 4 Success GIF by The Office
Let the man vent his frustrations. Seems like most of the people who are critical of his criticism already have the car.
Its hard to read a persons intent on a forum but its not going well for sure... To me it came off a little "Grey Poupon" but what do I know..... I'm just glad everyone is taking shots and him and not my dumb ass! We are all here to learn, vent, mess with people, crack jokes, and lord only knows what else.... I will be here all year, be sure to tip you hostess, @Rob .... Hahahahahaha Netflix is going to call me any day now for my stand up special!
Dude is sitting on a ZL1 while he's waiting.

I was literally going to buy a ZL1 and then a dd like a Camry or a Q50. But then I decided to just buy the Caddy and make it my dd, just to prove I can. LOL We'll see how long I last, but I'm planning to try it for a year.
I'll add my $0.02 to this topic.

I've been a GM fan my whole life and have only ever owned GM cars. I'm rooting for GM to succeed. To do so, they need to realize the world is evolving around them. One dimension that has evolved already is the consumer expectation of customer service. In this case I believe it comes down to communication. I think we can understand the supply chain shortages and how that affects the production process. If GM could only just provide some additional info on why a vehicle might be stuck at a certain status, lots of folks would be much happier and I bet even more understanding. I can track my UPS/Fdex/etc packages thru every state of their delivery, so why can't we do this for cars? I only hope GM realizes this point and adapts before they are overtaken by others who get this dimension of changing consumer expectations.
Give up on the Blackwing if you are so unhappy... You clearly have better logistics ability than the companies involved with the delivery of your car. I can tell you, your attitude here is not really welcoming and I am not sure people will be happy to have you as part of this community.

😂. Apparently you didn't read the post. I am not unhappy, don't really care when the car shows up. I can't even pick up until May. In addition what does pointing out the incompetence of the logistics department of a manufacturer have to do being "unwelcoming"?
I was literally going to buy a ZL1 and then a dd like a Camry or a Q50. But then I decided to just buy the Caddy and make it my dd, just to prove I can. LOL We'll see how long I last, but I'm planning to try it for a year.
If you decide you want to go that way I've got a beauty! 4,900 miles. Hyper Blue, carbon hood, auto, carbon fuel tank, clear bra'd. Looks like its still on the show room floor.
Question: So who at Cadillac can answer the questions about what is going on and why, and why does everyone think they don't care? Should Cadillac put out a "memo" to every person that has a car on order/waiting transport to give them a warm and fuzzy feeling? I don't know what's going on but I would bet they care and want cars built and delivered.. I'm sure they are working on a system to fix this problem in the future...I'm just happy that the good lord let me wake up this morning and I have a roof over my head and food in the frig.. IMHO this is first world problems and everyone is getting over their skis on this matter. Have a great day everyone!
I rise in defense of Quandary. I don't believe that pointing out possible incompetence means that someone feels entitled. It's possible, I suppose, but I didn't read the comments that way.

I'd rather hear these opinions and observations than have people feel they have to keep their mouths shut in fear of being labeled "entitled."

Just my opinion.
You know what they say about opinions…..
Question: So who at Cadillac can answer the questions about what is going on and why, and why does everyone think they don't care? Should Cadillac put out a "memo" to every person that has a car on order/waiting transport to give them a warm and fuzzy feeling? I don't know what's going on but I would bet they care and want cars built and delivered.. I'm sure they are working on a system to fix this problem in the future...I'm just happy that the good lord let me wake up this morning and I have a roof over my head and food in the frig.. IMHO this is first world problems and everyone is getting over their skis on this matter. Have a great day everyone!
Says the goat herder with no goats and 2 Blackwings!

But pragmatically speaking, my car fund is down about 5% from the time I placed my order and it's looking like there be at least some increase in MSRP price for the 2023 models. For anyone who would be financing, the rates are going up as well. So Cadillac's issues in delivering cars is actually costing the consumers. First world problems, of course, but you can't expect people being financially impacted to be happy about the situation.

Granted this issue is also costing Cadillac money since they cannot deliver the cars, but it is not generally the responsibility of the consumer to concern themselves about the pocketbook of the company they are buying from more than their own pocketbook.
Can we stop with this stupid sanctimonious trope of “first world problems?” It’s such a cop out and anyone using it going forward can eat a bag of goat dicks. Here are some first world problems for you right here at home… The “best” medical system in the world is responsible for the murder of 1MM people via their utter incompetence during Covid, denying prophylactic care, not using cheap off patent antivirals, earning bounties from the feds for every positive test, every person vented and every person who died “with” Covid. The good Lord didn’t help them get up this morning, nor did our “first world” medical system. Over half a million people in this country are homeless tonight, with no pillow to lay their head and no roof over it. Over 38 million suffer from food insecurity. I won’t even get into the skyrocketing crime that is crippling every blue hive in the country, inflation, the failure of our educational system, the senile octogenarian grifter who’s corruption in Ukraine is leading us into war. Our response was to sanction one of the most commodity rich countries, causing shortages in nickel, copper, palladium, natural gas etc. And you all sit back and say there’s no one to blame? Hide behind some stupid trope? The supply chain is a man made disaster. Our irrational response to a man made virus, leaked from a lab in China. We shut down businesses, crippled our economy and then print trillions of dollars to pay “non essential” workers to sit home and take bong rips. Now we’re surprised that input costs are on the rise and there is scarcity in the supply chain? Seems like our first world is rife with problems, so go ahead and bitch about whatever you want and take your “first world problems” bullish!t and go fellate a goat.

Can we stop with this stupid sanctimonious trope of “first world problems?” It’s such a cop out and anyone using it going forward can eat a bag of goat dicks. Here are some first world problems for you right here at home… The “best” medical system in the world is responsible for the murder of 1MM people via their utter incompetence during Covid, denying prophylactic care, not using cheap off patent antivirals, earning bounties from the feds for every positive test, every person vented and every person who died “with” Covid. The good Lord didn’t help them get up this morning, nor did our “first world” medical system. Over half a million people in this country are homeless tonight, with no pillow to lay their head and no roof over it. Over 38 million suffer from food insecurity. I won’t even get into the skyrocketing crime that is crippling every blue hive in the country, inflation, the failure of our educational system, the senile octogenarian grifter who’s corruption in Ukraine is leading us into war. Our response was to sanction one of the most commodity rich countries, causing shortages in nickel, copper, palladium, natural gas etc. And you all sit back and say there’s no one to blame? Hide behind some stupid trope? The supply chain is a man made disaster. Our irrational response to a man made virus, leaked from a lab in China. We shut down businesses, crippled our economy and then print trillions of dollars to pay “non essential” workers to sit home and take bong rips. Now we’re surprised that input costs are on the rise and there is scarcity in the supply chain? Seems like our first world is rife with problems, so go ahead and bitch about whatever you want and take your “first world problems” bullish!t and go fellate a goat.

Oh you're *that* guy. I hate that guy.

No, seriously dude, try getting laid some time. It will help, enormously.
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This forum getting out of hand……..I don’t think some of these people deserve a Blackwing as they are full of Goat Shit!
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Can we stop with this stupid sanctimonious trope of “first world problems?” It’s such a cop out and anyone using it going forward can eat a bag of goat dicks. Here are some first world problems for you right here at home… The “best” medical system in the world is responsible for the murder of 1MM people via their utter incompetence during Covid, denying prophylactic care, not using cheap off patent antivirals, earning bounties from the feds for every positive test, every person vented and every person who died “with” Covid. The good Lord didn’t help them get up this morning, nor did our “first world” medical system. Over half a million people in this country are homeless tonight, with no pillow to lay their head and no roof over it. Over 38 million suffer from food insecurity. I won’t even get into the skyrocketing crime that is crippling every blue hive in the country, inflation, the failure of our educational system, the senile octogenarian grifter who’s corruption in Ukraine is leading us into war. Our response was to sanction one of the most commodity rich countries, causing shortages in nickel, copper, palladium, natural gas etc. And you all sit back and say there’s no one to blame? Hide behind some stupid trope? The supply chain is a man made disaster. Our irrational response to a man made virus, leaked from a lab in China. We shut down businesses, crippled our economy and then print trillions of dollars to pay “non essential” workers to sit home and take bong rips. Now we’re surprised that input costs are on the rise and there is scarcity in the supply chain? Seems like our first world is rife with problems, so go ahead and bitch about whatever you want and take your “first world problems” bullish!t and go fellate a goat.

Wow, am new here but sure do not understand how this helps expand the enjoyment and knowledge of the forum. inf fact, its comments and judgments like this that actually make people feel the need to caveat their comments so that the PC types will know they have the proper perspective. Do you really think no one knows the issues you mention? Perhaps they come here to escape them for a bit? I could agree with some of the comments but your diatribe is unwarranted, unwelcome, and unfriendly.
Everyone take a deep breath and relax. We have all been through the same if not worse waiting for our Blackwing's.


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I know I never want to come back to this particular thread again... but I think I figured out why reality TV is so popular.

Tall Steve maybe you can perform your special magic... and take this thread off topic... way off topic🤣
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