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Need a funnel that actually works to get additives into 5wing tank


Seasoned Member
Oct 13, 2022
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
CT5-V Blackwing
I like to add an occasional bottle of fuel system cleaner or Marvel Mystery Oil to the tank of my cars.

But I have had more problems with adding things to my 5Wing tank than any other vehicle I've ever owned.

Some of my funnels are too short. There must be some kind of secondary flap behind the first flap, because if I use a short funnel, the additive spits back out at me.

The rest of my funnels are too long. They go in fine, but when trying to remove the funnel after adding the additive, they get caught on some kind of ridge or hinge or something and are murder to pull out. I'm afraid I'm going to damage something if I keep using them.

So.... what funnel do you all use that will actually work on this vehicle?
Going to say something controversial probably. Don't put snake oil in the tank. Problem solved.
The only time I use gas additives are for gas that will sit for a long time and it is Star Tron. Great stuff, ran 1 year old treated gas in my genny with no issues. Also use it in my Jeep that I sometimes don’t drive much.
I like to add an occasional bottle of fuel system cleaner or Marvel Mystery Oil to the tank of my cars.

But I have had more problems with adding things to my 5Wing tank than any other vehicle I've ever owned.

Some of my funnels are too short. There must be some kind of secondary flap behind the first flap, because if I use a short funnel, the additive spits back out at me.

The rest of my funnels are too long. They go in fine, but when trying to remove the funnel after adding the additive, they get caught on some kind of ridge or hinge or something and are murder to pull out. I'm afraid I'm going to damage something if I keep using them.

So.... what funnel do you all use that will actually work on this vehicle?
I wouldn't do it if you're under warranty. The metallurgy in your motor was purpose built and adding something outside of GM's recommendations will have very little if any benefit and if you have an issue down the road, there's a possibility that GM can find this cause (beyond the fact that you just put it in writing here.)

I'd suggest getting a couple of tanks of 'Top Tier' gas with their additive package instead (it's the standard of Chevron, Shell, Costco, etc - technically Costco goes beyond with their additives though.)

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