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Hello from Houston, TX


Dec 23, 2013
Houston, TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2010 CTS-V
Burning up the streets and highways of Texas and loving the V.
Welcome to the V-Net!

That V isn't a sleeper. Bet it gets lots of attention.
Welcome to the V-Net!

That V isn't a sleeper. Bet it gets lots of attention.

After a couple of black and chromes, I wanted to change it up. Always thought it deserved velocity yellow like its cousins ( ZR1 and ZL1) from the GM Performance Division.
Slime in the ice machine !!!!!!!!!!!

I lived in Houston f/ 17 years after graduating from college in Ohio.

In 1980 it was where the jobs were. I consider myself as much a Longhorn as I do a Buckeye.

I miss Houston a gr8 deal and visit as often as possible.

Now that the kids are married and gone my wife and are always talking of moving back when we retire.


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