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CT4-V 4BW lurching when entering driveway.

Cadillac CT4-V model


New Member
Nov 25, 2024
Jax, FL
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 4BW
Hi all,

Just purchased a 2022 CT4 BW (auto) last weekend. I'm having loads of fun with the car but have one odd issue that I'm having trouble diagnosing and so I'm turning to y'all to help.

When driving over my driveway entry curb, I enter with a right turn at a slowish pace at about a 45 degree angle. When the second (front left) wheel contacts the curb the car jolts/lurches significantly. It almost feels like stalling a manual transmission car.

I just reproduced it a few times on camera, and nothing seems to be making contact with the curb (besides, you know, the tires).

Any thoughts? Is this expected behavior?

The Alpha chassis is so rigid it will usually lift one of the rear wheels when you approach your driveway apron at an angle, particularly if the angles are acute like you can get with older streets or one that has been paved a bunch of times. Naturally the wheel in the air momentarily upsets the drive motion until the diff can correct and send power to the wheel not hanging in the air.
Thanks for this response! This totally makes sense and validates the slight wheel slip sound I perceived when playing back the video I took.

Appreciate your help!
The Alpha chassis is so rigid it will usually lift one of the rear wheels when you approach your driveway apron at an angle, particularly if the angles are acute like you can get with older streets or one that has been paved a bunch of times. Naturally the wheel in the air momentarily upsets the drive motion until the diff can correct and send power to the wheel not hanging in the air.
Spot on!
This same exact thing happens with my 23. It feels more transmission or diff related but I’m no expert.
Turn TC off and see if it makes a difference. I'd need to see your driveway, I can't imagine the chassis is causing this unless your driveway looks like the side of a cliff.

My driveways are made of maple syrup though so what do I know.
Sounds like a job for waffle tires.
MMMMmmmm. Waffle Tires.
happy homer simpson GIF

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