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In Search of 1,500 miles! Road Tripping in the CT4-V Blackwing....


Active Member
Jul 16, 2022
San Antonio TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing manual
Hope it's okay to post this stuff. Just thought someone might find it fun. Here goes!

I received my 4BW on August 4th from Batchelor Cadillac here in San Antonio.

My wife and I had flights to visit our daughter in Colorado Springs for about $169 round trip. Something came up and my wife couldn't go. My daughter said, "Well dad I have a lot of projects I'd like your help with!" I'm thinking "tools", "road tripping", and getting to the 1,500 mile break in on the 3.6!!!! So I loaded some tools...

Table saw, etc. Can't do that in a C8!

Also can't row your own gears in a C8....just saying....

Stopped by the Palo Duro Canyon....

Had to stop by the Cadillac Ranch outside of Amarillo Texas....

Made it to Colorado Springs...did lots of projects...ate at a lot of cool places, and got to spend a lot of fun time with my daughter.

After a few days, loaded up the table saw and tools....

Tried to go up Pikes Peak before I headed to Texas. It was dry on the lower third, rainy on the middle section, then on the upper third....it was sleeting.....summer tires, rear wheel drive, and trying to climb was impossible....I was sliding all around, so I turned it around and headed back down....


Didn't see Big Foot, but kept looking over my shoulder....

Hit the road and made a straight shot back to San Antonio.
Really nice post! I'm really amazed how fuel efficient the 4BW is if you use cruise control some and take it easy. I've averaged 24-26 on the highway if I behave....IF I behave
6th gear ~75mph is actually a pretty tall gear and mis 20s is definitely achievable on highway runs. Combined? Not a chance in h-e-double hockey sticks 😄
I did some long days/weekends to rack up my 1500 and the tricky thing will be weening yourself off weekend blasts once you can full throttle and full rev range! I now do 90min to 2.5hr round trips just to get to the really fun roads, when the local fun roads aren't enough.
Great to see you're enjoying the new motor!
Appreciate seeing someone who uses their hands and skills. I'm sure your daughter was very grateful. Now, I am sure my table saw will fit in my 5's trunk (if needed) without a problem! :) Fitting in the side trips was a nice bonus. :thumb:
6th gear ~75mph is actually a pretty tall gear and mis 20s is definitely achievable on highway runs. Combined? Not a chance in h-e-double hockey sticks 😄
I did some long days/weekends to rack up my 1500 and the tricky thing will be weening yourself off weekend blasts once you can full throttle and full rev range! I now do 90min to 2.5hr round trips just to get to the really fun roads, when the local fun roads aren't enough.
Great to see you're enjoying the new motor!
It's a lot of fun. I don't think I could be much happier with the vehicle.
6th gear ~75mph is actually a pretty tall gear and mis 20s is definitely achievable on highway runs. Combined? Not a chance in h-e-double hockey sticks 😄
I did some long days/weekends to rack up my 1500 and the tricky thing will be weening yourself off weekend blasts once you can full throttle and full rev range! I now do 90min to 2.5hr round trips just to get to the really fun roads, when the local fun roads aren't enough.
Great to see you're enjoying the new motor!
Your posts inspired me to go ahead and post this. Thanks!

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