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Greetings from Mountsberg, Ontario, CANADA!


New Member
Jan 28, 2012
Mountsberg, Ontario, Canada
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
looking for a CTS-V wagon
Hello everyone :wave:
I am the happy owner of a 2009 Cadillac XLR (non V) and we have decided to start looking for a CTS-V Wagon. :bowdown:

Pretty sure we will opt for a manual shift: the Hot Rodder in me wants the manual, the Granny in me likes the idea of an automatic. Hubby Steve was contemplating a V Coupe & somehow that swung around to me getting a wagon as I had nearly done last year. (he needs to keep his truck for hauling etc) I would have purchased a non V for gas mileage, so now I am glad I decided to pass on spending the bucks then ....but that was then, and this is now! My reason for 'passing' last year is that there was nothing wrong with my 06 Grand Prix: it is still a great car and does not 'deserve' to be traded! :rolleyes:

Fast forward to this year, recently retired and feeling financially stable: why not go for the tire smoking V?!? I LOVE my XLR, it performs great but again the Hot Rodder in me often day dreams about a V! I will solve this by getting a V Wagon, meanwhile I get 28 mpg in the XLR and has a trunk big enough for a loaf of bread and bag of apples......what more do you want? :chuckle:

Anyhow, feel free to chime in on you thoughts about your V's!
Howdy and welcome to the V-Net!

I love my V Wagon. It's my second V as I had a 2004 V before it. My wife and I had 2 Vettes in the garage and the idea of having a 4-door with Vette like performance was a big draw for the first V and the second. The Vettes and the XLR get a lot better mileage so there are some trade offs. With my V Wagon, I can carry our mountain bikes inside, fill it up with groceries or carry 4 people in comfort and still go fast - if we want to. The V Wagons are pretty rare also - at least around my home town as ours is the only one I've ever seen in person.

Recently, the wife traded her Vette and got "practical" - she got a Volt. Totally different ride but we're liking it.

I think the V Wagon is a great choice, especially if you have an XLR in the garage already.

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