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Seasoned Member
Feb 24, 2022
Austin, TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 CT4-V Blackwing 46-404
What's your commute like? Do you enjoy it?
I'm a realtor and have a home office so technically I don't ever *have* to go to my office, but I enjoy it. This is from the office --> home.

I've not had an 'enjoyable' commute for... hmm... um... 13yrs when I had optional B roads to blast down.

Since then it's been (luckily) walking or super simple public transport, except one terrible 50mile round trip one I did for 2yrs. But ya nothing enjoyable. I love driving for zero reason other than to drive: hate commuting.
Mine is 2244 to Mopac to Enfield then to UT. 13 mi one way. It's not bad as I'm only on Mopac for about a mile or 2.
This morning was my first commute to work in my Blackwing. I have a ~30 miles round trip commute from the semi-rural suburbs into Philadelphia every day. It usually takes me about 30 minutes each way. The traffic isn't too bad and I like it because it is "me" time. I typically use the commute to listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Today I listened to the LF4 and played around with different modes and settings.
Walk up the street to the bus stop, 25min later and I walk into work.

This seems better then paying $250 a month for the privilege of door dings.
Walk up the street to the bus stop, 25min later and I walk into work.

This seems better then paying $250 a month for the privilege of door dings.
Ahem, it's $270/month for that privilege. Plus the toll, so really $370. 😬
Mine is 2244 to Mopac to Enfield then to UT. 13 mi one way. It's not bad as I'm only on Mopac for about a mile or 2.

Hey as long as you don’t have to get on 35 you’re good.
My commute is about 40 feet from my bed to my desk. I've worked from home the last 8 or so years so no commute for me. It's good in saving time and money, but I don't get to drive very much.
My commute is about 40 feet from my bed to my desk. I've worked from home the last 8 or so years so no commute for me. It's good in saving time and money, but I don't get to drive very much.

Same here. I sometimes just go driving around at lunch time for decompress. :)
Uber to airport, direct flight to LA, bus to rental car place, rental car to work. ~5 hours door-to-door. When I don’t do that I work from home.
I drive 32 miles roundtrip starting at 5:15 am going to work and I hit afternoon traffic around 4:00p and hate it with a passion...
I, low key, kind of like sitting in low speed traffic in the slow lane to see all the passers reactions to the car. But i will admit, not as fun to sit and wait after a 14 hour day at work.
I am full time work-from-home since COVID hit. Otherwise, the main office is a 20 minute drive of mostly freeway or a 30-35 minute drive of backroads.
I do approx 40 miles round trip from 1 side of Tampa to the other side --- in the morning it's about a half hour / coming home is worse roughly and hour and a half = traffic in Tampa is the pits
direct is 12 minutes to my office or 25 through twisty/scenic
Early AM before traffic ~13-15 minutes (personal record is ~11😈).
PM home can be double... but I have fun cutting behind and taking back roads to shave minutes off...
like it's a game (I'll mark an easy to spot vehicle a bit ahead of me and then see if my short cuts actually work or not)

Just like having some fun.
Only have to go to the office 2x a week.. but 80 miles round trip driving through my favorite Massachusetts highways
DD the 5BW, roughly 22 miles each way but I only work 14-15 days out of the month. Working nights right now 6pm to 6am, traffic isnt too bad going opposite direction as everybody else in the late afternoon and heading home early enough that traffic still isnt bad.

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