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Brake Dust Cleaning Magic


Seasoned Member
Aug 26, 2021
So I tried a new product tonight on the wheels and tires before going into a touchless carwash. Now usually I need to use a heavy duty wheel cleaner and use the detailing brushes to get in all the nooks. This is what I tried tonight: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C39H9YX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

Kinda is magic, all I did was spray a liberal amount of it on the wheels and tires and ran through the car wash and the dust was gone in all but a few very tight places. Normally the car wash does literally nothing to the brake dust. So I thought I would share and definitely recommend.

Just a friendly PSA but only use this or any iron remover product on Iron brakes. Do not use on carbon ceramics. You can use it on the wheels of a CCB car if the wheels are removed. It's not good for the CCB rotors.
Coating your wheels should help them come out cleaner at the car wash (without iron remover) and the iron removers won't harm the coating if you decide to use it every other wash for a better cleaning. If you enjoy DIY stuff it's a good way to introduce yourself to applying a paint coating.

One other thing I'd like to add about using this at a car wash verses doing a car wash at home. Spraying on hot brakes or letting it dry before you enter the wash is something that should be avoided as well. So if you were hooning on your way to the wash you should make sure the wheels/brakes aren't hot.
Don't forget to mention the smell. I used it once and it was horrid. I think this product is more designed to decontaminate painted surfaces rather than get rid of brake dust.

I like to use Adam's Eco cleaner which smells much more pleasant and is (according to them) friendler to the environment. But alas, you will have to agitate with a brush.

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