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Help! Touring vs. sport settings

Need help topic


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
Warren New Jersey
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2014 phantom gray wagon
Anyone know of a means to raise or lower the firmness setting of the dual mode magno shocks......my other half wants me to soften "touring" setting. ( not making any mechanical mods to springs etc..) Is such a thing possible or are these settings dialed in at manufacture?

thanks for any guidance
Howdy and welcome to the V-Net!

The shocks are computer controlled so there ought to be someone out there that can change the program to let the shocks be less firm when in TOUR mode. I just don't know who that would be.

Might want to google search for MagRide tuners.
Howdy and welcome to the V-Net!

The shocks are computer controlled so there ought to be someone out there that can change the program to let the shocks be less firm when in TOUR mode. I just don't know who that would be.

Might want to google search for MagRide tuners.

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for a great idea

Btw, I asked Hennessey http://www.hennesseyperformance.com/ if they reprogrammed the MagRide computers and was told no, they do not.

There are other "tuners" out there that may. I just haven't asked them yet.
Btw, I asked Hennessey http://www.hennesseyperformance.com/ if they reprogrammed the MagRide computers and was told no, they do not.

There are other "tuners" out there that may. I just haven't asked them yet.

That was very smart of you to think of Hennessey........I've been googling around with no good leads myself.....your effort is much appreciated

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