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Local gathering of classic cars - Mustang, OK


Seasoned Member
Nov 4, 2011
Mustang, OK
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
'11 V Wagon, ( '13 427 Vette & '21 Vette)
I just got news that a local restaurant (Tony's Island Grill) in my town (Mustang, OK) is hosting a "gathering" for car buffs this evening and every first and third Thursday of each month through the rest of the summer. I'll dust the Vagon off and drive there tonight and see who shows up.
As one of the last to leave last night, I took home a "trophy" - okay, the "trophy" was somebody else's folding chair but it's mine now unless they claim it.

Had 3 nice pickups, 2 '57 Chevy's, a Model A, a mid '60s Ford Sunliner, a coffin with VW Beetle chassis and engine, 2 Vettes, an XLR, a couple of Camaros, a '67 Coronet and a few others that I can't think of now.

The Vagon got a little of the attention and I enjoyed telling people about it. The biggest "WOW" factor was showing then the clutch pedal and shifter - most just couldn't believe that it is a stick shift.
The Mustang Cruisers group has changed the meeting place - it's not Tony's Island Grill now. I'll have to find and post the new location when I can. If I got it right, they are at the "Bronco Bowl" parking lot on Mustang Road now - by Tractor Supply.

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