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Is Cadillac Considering an ATS Vsport Model?

The regular ATS has a 272 HP 2.0 turbo or 321 HP V6
The ATS V has a 450 HP TT V6.

The retular CTS has the same 2.0 turbo and V6 at 272 7 321
The CTS Vsport jumps to 420 TT V6
The CTS V adds 220 more HP to 640

In keeping with that HP growth ratios:

An ATS Vsport would need something in the 360-370 HP range
Which engine would GM stuff into the ATS that fits that HP range?
What would they add to the "Premium" edition beside more HP to create a Vsport version

IMO, Cadillac can forget about a Vsport version of the ATS.

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