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Dealer says once in V mode, pressing V mode again will always default to Tour mode. Is that true?


May 12, 2024
Ann Arbor
I usually start the car off in My Mode, then when I'm going through a tunnel, press V mode to get some pops and burbles. Then, once I click V mode again, it goes to Tour...not My Mode. I went to the dealer, and they said it will always default back to Tour when pressing V mode button again.

What happens: Start in My Mode -> Press V button-> goes to Vmode -> Press V button again -> but goes to Tour

What I want to happen: Start in My Mode -> Press V button-> goes to Vmode -> Press V button again -> My Mode

Any way to change this default to Tour mode?
No there isn't. At least probably not without coding.

If you want to get out of V mode and back into My Mode with just one button press. Just hit the up or down around on the mode selection near the shifter and it will drop the My Mode.

That's how I do it if I need to leave V mode and go back to My mode.

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