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2014 CTS-V or Vsport?


Oct 16, 2012
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
CTS V and ATS V on the wish list
I'm trying to decide between the two. I've test driven the V and the new 3.6l and 2.0T. Not impressed with the 2.0T. What's the insurance like and what's the maintenance cost like for the V series?
I haven't driven either, but if money wasn't an issue, and going on strictly looks and performance, I'd go for the CTS-V.
Well the Vsport is officially on order. Bummed that I can't get the Kona interior without getting the premium so I'm getting the cashmere with black diamond tricoat. Can't wait and I'll keep the thread alive with updates!
Post some pictures when you get it and keep us informed about how it does.
Just got word my Vsport is ready for pickup. Here's the deal: my dad will drive it for four months and I will assume ownership afterwards thus getting a nice discount. He'll pick it up 1/22. Unfortunately we're in Michigan where the weather is horrible for this car. Pictures to come asap!
Just got word my Vsport is ready for pickup. Here's the deal: my dad will drive it for four months and I will assume ownership afterwards thus getting a nice discount. He'll pick it up 1/22. Unfortunately we're in Michigan where the weather is horrible for this car. Pictures to come asap!

Sweet! Congrats!! :blinzel:

Not the prettiest of pictures but you get the idea!

I took the Vsport for a drive in this weather and even though it handles awfully now, I'm excited beyond belief! Like I mentioned above I won't take ownership until it has 6001 miles but that should be here in no time. More updates and pictures to come!
You finally got it! GREAT!!


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