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Who Wants the First Corsa CT5-V Blackwing Exhaust System?


Seasoned Member
Jul 24, 2021
Columbus OH
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2016 ATS-V A8, 2018 ATS-V M6, 2022 CT4-V Blackwing A10
We’re currently searching for a volunteer to have the first ever CT5-V Blackwing cat-back exhaust system. You will need to have a CT5-V Blackwing (with either A10 or M6 transmission), and still be running the factory catalytic converters. You would need to drop your car off near Cleveland, Ohio for approximately two weeks. When you get it back it will have the first Corsa exhaust system installed for you at no charge.

This system will be a full cat-back, including active exhaust valves. Retail price will be in the $2,500 to $3,000 range, but this will be completely free for our first volunteer. Even better, we’re willing to offer a nice discount on any of our CT5-V Blackwing Performance Packages after your new exhaust system is installed. First person to email me directly at ScottC@TapoutTuning.com who is willing to drop his car off in the very near future gets it. Then we all win later this summer. 😊
If only I was closer! I live in Vegas, about 20+ hours from you haha. But I do have family in Columbus (grew up there)
Wishing you were closer to Chicago but looking forward to positive results!
I hope you both can make the hand shake. I want more noise that brings MOAR PoWeR@!
We’re currently searching for a volunteer to have the first ever CT5-V Blackwing cat-back exhaust system. You will need to have a CT5-V Blackwing (with either A10 or M6 transmission), and still be running the factory catalytic converters. You would need to drop your car off near Cleveland, Ohio for approximately two weeks. When you get it back it will have the first Corsa exhaust system installed for you at no charge.

This system will be a full cat-back, including active exhaust valves. Retail price will be in the $2,500 to $3,000 range, but this will be completely free for our first volunteer. Even better, we’re willing to offer a nice discount on any of our CT5-V Blackwing Performance Packages after your new exhaust system is installed. First person to email me directly at ScottC@TapoutTuning.com who is willing to drop his car off in the very near future gets it. Then we all win later this summer. 😊
Do you know if they are still planning on developing an exhaust for the 3.0TT?
Bump. We need to get the ball rolling on these blackwing aftermarket fun stuff. Someone donate their 5BW for the cause! I can't believe no one's jumping on this for 2 weeks without car and getting a FREE CORSA on their car installed! Hopefully the 4BW is next!
If I lived in the area I give them my CT5-V 3.0TT for 2 weeks no problem. Need a good exhaust for this car.. Hopefully they develop one and don’t just do the Blackwing.
If I lived in the area I give them my CT5-V 3.0TT for 2 weeks no problem. Need a good exhaust for this car.. Hopefully they develop one and don’t just do the Blackwing.

There seems to be a good handful of CT5-V owners on reddit. Makes me think that it's a car of interest. I'd think there would be a decent aftermarket potential there.

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