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News: O’CONNELL: Barber Debrief

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Nov 3, 2011
New Hampshire
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O’CONNELL: Barber Debrief

By Johnny O'Connell


Photo: Richard Prince/GM

In my commute back and forth to the track, it is hard not to notice the Roll Tide license plate frames and bumper stickers celebrating Alabama football.

Well, we witnessed a little tide turning at Barber Motorsports Park last weekend.

The FIA GT3 cars hit a natural terrain road course and showed their stuff with their light weight and high downforce. We even had a GT-A (classified as a gentleman/sportsman driver) on the pole for the first race, Nick Mancuso in his Ferrari 458 GT. A nice run by him.

Andy Pilgrim and myself had never been to Barber prior to a two day Cadillac test before our first race of the year at St. Petersburg. Your first image driving into the track you would think you were coming to play 18 holes, it looks like a country club.

The second thing you notice is the great motorcycle museum they have on the grounds. And the third is the track, which in itself is very challenging. There is a lot of elevation change and tight corners to go along with the tight confines, fairly narrow racing surface for a road course. I think that Mr. Barber wanted a motorcycle friendly track.

* Full Story Linked Above *

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