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    Monochromatic Badges @ Cadillac.com?

    Some photos are below
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    Monochromatic Badges @ Cadillac.com?

    Remember to also choose their 10% off for $150-$299 in orders. Promo Code is GET10 Current offer expires 1/2/2024, but they may renew it.
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    Monochromatic Badges @ Cadillac.com?

    If you are talking about the large Cadillac crests, they do not sell them, but Savage Cadillac in Florida does. However, if you are talking about the V- badges (3 of them), and the CT5 letters, then yes you can order them on Cadillac.com and use your points (as I did). The part number is below...
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    CT5-V Oil change for ct5V BW

    I was going to wait until about 2500 miles. You say 500?
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    Anyone else have this issue?
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