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  1. B

    No CT5-V BW nationally for 2 of the last 3 weeks?

    Sorry, I worded that poorly. The actual columns were "national qty", "constraint qty", and "placed qty." I've attached the screen grab for clarity.
  2. B

    No CT5-V BW nationally for 2 of the last 3 weeks?

    He sent me the screenshot of the national constraints, which indicated 0 BW's nationally. I have no idea what that really means though. Glad to hear that at least a few are trickling out based on replies to this thread.
  3. B

    No CT5-V BW nationally for 2 of the last 3 weeks?

    My dealer has been trying to keep me in the loop on the status of my wait. This week, and the week before last, they said Cadillac hadn't shipped a single CT5V BW in the country at all? Is this real? Pretty demoralizing if so. Anyone have any idea what's going on?
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