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Recent content by madjack

  1. M

    A Little-V Blog: The ATS-V purchase and ownership experience

    welcome to the ATS-V community. Hib, answering your Water Injection (WI) questions. "You mention water injection...now, are you going to use water/alcohol injection or just water?" 'll probably use a water/20% methanol mix. Why? Tuning for water and 20% methanol is relatively easy, since the...
  2. M

    A Little-V Blog: The ATS-V purchase and ownership experience

    Too good to be true <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]-->Ordered my car @ Bunnin on a Saturday, 7th of November. Friday 20th of November, I contacted Juan at Bunnin and was told my car has been assigned a "Broadcast...
  3. M

    A Little-V Blog: The ATS-V purchase and ownership experience

    Hib that was me at Bunntin ordering my ATS-V On Saturday the 7th of Nov. I ordered my ATS-V at Bunnin in Santa Barbara. I've been following the ATS-V since Nov 2013. Back then the rumors were flying thick and fast. What will its name be? which V8 will it have? what! no V8, it'll have a 3.6...
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