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Site Update: Push Notifications Now Enabled for iOS Devices

Official Cadillac V-Net Website Update


Staff member
Nov 3, 2011
New Hampshire
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
Not Yet!
With the latest forum software upgrade this morning, those of you with iOS devices, should now be able to utilize the push-notification functionality here in the forums:

iOS 16.4 finally introduced push notifications for iOS devices. To facilitate this, your members need to install your site as a PWA (by utilising the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). XenForo 2.2.13 now satisfies all of the prerequisites for this to support push notifications which can be enabled by your members once they log in through the PWA and enable push notifications in their Preferences.
iPhone Users! Here's a simplified process for you!

  1. Step 1
    1. Open Safari browser on your iPhone. Chrome or any other browser will not work with this process.

      apple browser.png

  2. Step 2
    1. Go to CadillacVNet's forum home page within Safari.
      1. Address: Cadillac V-Series Forums - For Owners and Enthusiasts

  3. Step 3
    1. Click on the "share button" at the bottom of the browser​
    2. Share options will popup.


  4. Step 4
    1. Scroll down through the share options until you see "Add to Home Screen."​
    2. Tap "Add To Home Screen" and you will be presented with a popup.​
    3. Tap "Add" in the top right corner and an icon will be added to your phones Home screen (Desktop)


  5. Step 5
    1. Find the "Cadillac V-Net" Icon on your home screen and tap it to open.​
    2. Immediately after opening, look for the banner at the bottom of the browser mentioning push notifications. Click on "Enable Push Notifications."​
    3. Click "Allow" on the popup and you are finished!


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