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Blackwing Option Rarity Estimates?


Dec 26, 2024
Louisville, Colorado
I read somewhere else that the CCB option on the CT5 BW was a "1 in 25" option":

Do actual numbers (or even estimates) exist for different option selections on the 4 and 5 BWs? I am trying to determine how likely it will be that I come across my desired spec for either car on the used market. As just one example, I am open-minded to either the 4BW or 5BW, but I definitely don't want a sunroof, which seems to be rare. Would be great if there was a way to know just how rare something like that option, or lack thereof, is.

EDIT: Using registry on Cadillacvnet.com I was able to get an idea (at least for 2022 models) of rarity. See results in post #20.
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I haven't heard of anything but that would be really cool to see.

I've often wondered how many BWs were made in my color (coastal blue metallic). I couldn't find any others nationally when I was searching and buying - but there are lots now.
I couldn’t find what I wanted (sunroof delete) anywhere and ended up ordering. Most dealers and customers option it.
I couldn’t find what I wanted (sunroof delete) anywhere and ended up ordering. Most dealers and customers option it.

Ugh, ya that's what I am afraid of! I really don't want a sunroof for multiple reasons...but is it worth the $20K+ of buying new vs used?....likely not. There are other specific options I want as well of course, but I am more open-minded to alternatives in areas like carbon fiber for instance. Anyway, I will continue to monitor classifieds. Luckily, this vehicle is a pure "fun" purchase, and not needed logistically at the moment. Then again, I don't want to wait years for something that's likely never going to pop up on the used market.
Check Cadillac website for 2024 new inventory….I found 3 sunroof delete manual CT5 blackwings…all 3 happen to be coastal blue (my favorite but I’m biased). They are at west herr Cadillac, dellenbach motors, and Pasadena Cadillac. 2 of 3 are listed below msrp.
Check Cadillac website for 2024 new inventory….I found 3 sunroof delete manual CT5 blackwings…all 3 happen to be coastal blue (my favorite but I’m biased). They are at west herr Cadillac, dellenbach motors, and Pasadena Cadillac. 2 of 3 are listed below msrp.

Thanks for pointing that out. I don't understand why only 1 of those shows up for me on Cadillac's webpage despite having radius set to the maximum? I will definitely have to monitor that one at West Herr....if only it had all black interior and less carbon fiber! It's hard to stomach that price when my dream spec 2025 is less than what that one at West Herr is listed for.

I am also going to run an analysis on the 2022 registry models to see how many were optioned the way I'd have wanted. Will report back soon!
Check Cadillac website for 2024 new inventory….I found 3 sunroof delete manual CT5 blackwings…all 3 happen to be coastal blue (my favorite but I’m biased). They are at west herr Cadillac, dellenbach motors, and Pasadena Cadillac. 2 of 3 are listed below msrp.
The one at Dellenbach in Fort Collins has been there a looooong time, many months for sure. I was tempted to drive and see it for fun before corralling my Black Diamond Tricoat from NY. It is a very colorful build, and will need a buyer who likes that. Looks like the discount is advertised close to 3k. Anyone buying this unit should be getting 10k, IMO.
If you want a car with more options, particularly CF parts and CCB, look into 2022s. Late 2022, all of 2023 and most of 2024, parts constraints were prevalent. CF was pretty on constraint the whole MY23. It was bad enough that there were month or two where no manual was available to be built.
The one at Dellenbach in Fort Collins has been there a looooong time, many months for sure. I was tempted to drive and see it for fun before corralling my Black Diamond Tricoat from NY. It is a very colorful build, and will need a buyer who likes that. Looks like the discount is advertised close to 3k. Anyone buying this unit should be getting 10k, IMO.

I'm not surprised it has been sitting. In my opinion, it's just one color option too much. Even if it dropped the red seat belts, it might be desirable to the masses. You are correct: It will take a very specific buyer for that one. Anyway, I am not interested even at a 10K discount, so likely not the car for me....but maybe a 20K discount would do the trick ;)
If you want a car with more options, particularly CF parts and CCB, look into 2022s. Late 2022, all of 2023 and most of 2024, parts constraints were prevalent. CF was pretty on constraint the whole MY23. It was bad enough that there were month or two where no manual was available to be built.

Good to know! It's actually the opposite case though for me (and I realize I'm a bit of an odd-duck): I don't want any carbon fiber packages, but I might be open minded to the CF1 package on a used car. I do want the CCBs though, so I am guessing that was likely an issue as well during that time period.
I'm not surprised it has been sitting. In my opinion, it's just one color option too much. Even if it dropped the red seat belts, it might be desirable to the masses. You are correct: It will take a very specific buyer for that one. Anyway, I am not interested even at a 10K discount, so likely not the car for me....but maybe a 20K discount would do the trick ;)
Funny, but that is my ideal color scheme. Blue exterior, gray interior, red belts and calipers.
Funny, but that is my ideal color scheme. Blue exterior, gray interior, red belts and calipers.

No offense meant! I actually could see the appeal, but there is one major problem with the color scheme IMHO: The middle rear seat belt is still black! I know it's minor, but I just couldn't live with it. Maybe I will go get checked for OCD.
I tucked away my middle belt. No one will ever use it anyway. As a bonus that keeps the remaining belts symmetric for the true OCD sufferers.
Been doing that for over 2 years. Only time that belt comes out is when I need it for a car seat. 😆
Thats an easy one to fix. Buy one and install it. It's 30mins worth of work at most and is only around $66. I just ordered the ct5 one for my 4bw as only the belt cover is different and the 4bw red centers are likely done forever.
Good to know! It's actually the opposite case though for me (and I realize I'm a bit of an odd-duck): I don't want any carbon fiber packages, but I might be open minded to the CF1 package on a used car. I do want the CCBs though, so I am guessing that was likely an issue as well during that time period.
Look for 23s then, there were a few dealer ordered cars that only had CCBs and seats upgraded. Only crappy part is they’re usually ravens. Dealers for some reason typically order them in black for store stock.
I'm not sure that's correct. 2022 MY, CF was heavily constrained. They changed suppliers 2 or 3 times. CF started to be "easier" to get for 23's and now 24's. There were times during 23 and 24 CF was constrained due to the special editions getting most of it.
Using the registry on here (massive thanks to Rob!), I ran two searches for cars I would actually buy on the used market. I only used 2022 database because it's the only complete one. Unless noted at the end of this post, I left all options unselected in search fields.

For the CT4 BW, the search returned 14 cars matching criteria, which equals 0.78% of all 2022 CT4 BWs.

For the CT5 BW, the search returned 8 cars matching criteria, which equals 0.45% of all 2022 CT5 BWs.

I am not a statistician, but it seems rather unlikely that any of my desired Blackwings would land on the used market within the next couple of years, but please chime in you think otherwise! Also, please chime in if (after reviewing the search criteria below) you have reason to believe many more cars in 2023+ were specced differently. Thanks for any and all input you all can spare!

2022 CT4-V Blackwing Options:

Dark Emerald FrostG7W
Rift MetallicGRW
Summit WhiteGAZ
Satin Steel MetallicG9K
Shadow MetallicGJI
Jet Black High Performance SeatsHEA
6-Speed ManualMG9
Performance Data RecorderUQT
Climate PackageY6F
High Performance Steering WheelBTH
NO Sunroof
NO Sueded Steering Wheel/Shifter

2022 CT5-V Blackwing Options:
Dark Emerald FrostG7W
Rift MetallicGRW
Summit WhiteGAZ
Satin Steel MetallicG9K
Shadow MetallicGJI
Jet Black Aniline Seats (or Quilted LeatherHMR/HEA
6-Speed ManualMJK
Performance Data RecorderUQT
Parking PackageY6L
NO Sunroof
NO Sueded Steering Wheel/Shifter
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