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Attempted Theft in Austin


Active Member
Aug 21, 2024
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2024 CT5-V Blackwing & Escalade V
A few weeks ago I had the misfortune to be in Austin on business, drove the BW as it's the "least nice" car in my current stable (funny, right? LOL!). Nice area, nice hotel, perfect target for thieves apparently...2:30 am two perps attempted entry into the driver's door, messed up the trim, door paint, they eventually broke the glass, popped the hood, messed with the fuses - pulled the horn fuse and may have done other things in an attempt to steal the vehicle. Nothing was taken and apparently the vehicle locked down so-to-speak. It is a 6m - did that deter them in the end? Were they actually smart enough to be able to eventually fire it up? Not sure. The hotel has the video to be released to the police, report filed, insurance covering, etc...Irony is that many times I'll have a cigar or two outside at the end of the evening, cigars were in my trunk, I would've encountered the perps...it would not have been pleasant, possibly for all of us - another irony, a mag full of blue tips (same color as the car). Anyway, the next morning I saw emails from OnStar for several alerts, that's how I knew it was going to be a bad day...went out that morning, sure enough...the battery was dead apparently from the alarm / alert (reference the pulled horn fuse). The local Cadillac Dealer (Covert Cadillac) came by almost immediately to get the car fired up, cleaned up the glass and they removed the broken window remnants and put crash tape over the window so I could safely drive home to DFW and it did keep the rain out - they didn't charge me a dime, that was a very nice thing to a crappy day - and they got me in and out of their dealership QUICK!!! Anyway, car is at Sewell getting all fixed up. I was down at COTA the weekend prior for the Trans Am race and I heard that some fellow folks had issues with their personal vehicles being stolen from Austin area hotels. We stayed by the airport for that trip, no issues.


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You're lucky they weren't more organized. The better thieves come prepared with an ODB tool and locksmith software. They pair the car to the "blank" fob they brought and then unpair all your fobs in a matter of 60-90 seconds. When they're at a safe distance, they pull over and disable any tracking like OnStar and then your car is on its way to central Europe or the middle east never to be seen again.

You can purchase an ODB lock that attaches to the port such that they'd have to destroy the port in order to pull it off which hopefully forces them to move on to an easier target.
Dang. I have a couple different friends in Austin continuously asking why they live there. Of course I say the same from Chicago. Over on the SS forum there are a couple different threads related to the OBD options worth reading. We are targets for the two legged animals that deserve to be roadkill.
Dang. I have a couple different friends in Austin continuously asking why they live there. Of course I say the same from Chicago. Over on the SS forum there are a couple different threads related to the OBD options worth reading. We are targets for the two legged animals that deserve to be roadkill.
Copy that! I used to LOVE going to Austin - especially when I was in college and into cycling, then just the overall hanging out and having fun there. Now I pretty much only go there for COTA and I typically stay out that way.
I'll wade into this one...

As a non-Texan who has spent a LOT of time there, I'll take Austin and San Antonio over flat and plain DFW but I'd take DFW over the muggy crime-infested swamp called Houston (but vastly prefer their home prices!)

Dawning my asbestos underwear now!
So, the point of this thread wasn't to bash on Austin...this type of crap happens everywhere...a friend's CTS-V fell fate to the same thing here in the DFW area at the Flower Mound FIRE DEPARTMENT!! At the FD!! The perp was unsuccessful with the V but was able to steal another vehicle - a new Camaro (SS 1LE, I think?), crazy!!
Sorry you had a bad experience here. Thankfully all my vehicles stay in my garage, so nothing to note so far.

What race did you recently attend at COTA ? Or was it a driving class ?

I've only taken "parade" laps during motorcycle races, but it was pretty cool.
Nobody is safe. When I was an NYPD cop (back in the day). I worked the midnights in the subway ghetto's of Bedford -Stuyvesant / East NY. We were getting 3 murders per night ! Some mutts tried to steal my 5 year old Cutlass Supreme right out of our police parking lot ! They got some balls ! One night they actually stole the ECU out of my "marked patrol car" that was parked on the sidewalk of precinct !!
I went down the block to the local fence guy and got it back. I did the wiring repairs right there on the sidewalk !
Another night ,we caught one of the local crackheads stealing a radio out of another cops private car. We told the mutt that he had a 15 seconds head start to flee ....but, he had to go over the razor wired fence. He was a bloody mess in 10 seconds ! We let him go, because we knew it was the best justice we could get.
A few weeks ago I had the misfortune to be in Austin on business, drove the BW as it's the "least nice" car in my current stable (funny, right? LOL!). Nice area, nice hotel, perfect target for thieves apparently...2:30 am two perps attempted entry into the driver's door, messed up the trim, door paint, they eventually broke the glass, popped the hood, messed with the fuses - pulled the horn fuse and may have done other things in an attempt to steal the vehicle. Nothing was taken and apparently the vehicle locked down so-to-speak. It is a 6m - did that deter them in the end? Were they actually smart enough to be able to eventually fire it up? Not sure. The hotel has the video to be released to the police, report filed, insurance covering, etc...Irony is that many times I'll have a cigar or two outside at the end of the evening, cigars were in my trunk, I would've encountered the perps...it would not have been pleasant, possibly for all of us - another irony, a mag full of blue tips (same color as the car). Anyway, the next morning I saw emails from OnStar for several alerts, that's how I knew it was going to be a bad day...went out that morning, sure enough...the battery was dead apparently from the alarm / alert (reference the pulled horn fuse). The local Cadillac Dealer (Covert Cadillac) came by almost immediately to get the car fired up, cleaned up the glass and they removed the broken window remnants and put crash tape over the window so I could safely drive home to DFW and it did keep the rain out - they didn't charge me a dime, that was a very nice thing to a crappy day - and they got me in and out of their dealership QUICK!!! Anyway, car is at Sewell getting all fixed up. I was down at COTA the weekend prior for the Trans Am race and I heard that some fellow folks had issues with their personal vehicles being stolen from Austin area hotels. We stayed by the airport for that trip, no issues.
Sorry to hear but, props to Covert.
Nobody is safe. When I was an NYPD cop (back in the day). I worked the midnights in the subway ghetto's of Bedford -Stuyvesant / East NY. We were getting 3 murders per night ! Some mutts tried to steal my 5 year old Cutlass Supreme right out of our police parking lot ! They got some balls ! One night they actually stole the ECU out of my "marked patrol car" that was parked on the sidewalk of precinct !!
I went down the block to the local fence guy and got it back. I did the wiring repairs right there on the sidewalk !
Another night ,we caught one of the local crackheads stealing a radio out of another cops private car. We told the mutt that he had a 15 seconds head start to flee ....but, he had to go over the razor wired fence. He was a bloody mess in 10 seconds ! We let him go, because we knew it was the best justice we could get.
Damn, Bed-Stuy do or die. Rough assignment.
You all need an OBD2 port blocker. Austin [Edit: I meant Houston--apologies] is really bad, as well as certain parts of California and the east coast. Thieves can break the glass without setting off the ultrasonic alarm, clone a set of keys, and be gone in under 2 minutes. Then your car ends up doing burnouts and set on fire in a street takeover event. I'm a big fan of the VTT design:

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OP, sorry you had to deal with the bs and glad a dealer helped, particularly with this crappy weather.

I live West of what rdollie calls “muggy crime infested swamp” and as a real Texan, have no problem doing so. It’s not for everyone. I’ve lived in Dallas and Austin and regularly visit family in San Antonio. Yes, each have their pluses and minuses, but all just like any City in the beautiful USA have crime and theft areas. As previously mentioned, it can happen anywhere!
Hotels are magnets for theft and I book over 100 nights a year due to business travel. I’ve have had issues in many of them and glad it was to a rental car, not mine.

I also own a 2022 GMC AT4, a truck very easy to steal in under 2 mins with no broken windows or horns going off. Change the ECM with another programmed with a different key fob, done. It takes longer to program another using the OBD programming tool! After seeing over 40 trucks found stolen in a field, many looking like mine stolen in Sept, I did lots of research in additional layers of theft prevention. If they want it and professional, they can steal any car but I was determined to add layers of making harder and harder.

One system I’ve invested in and my 5BW is next to receive in a couple of days is an IGLA system. Innovative Car Security Technology - IGLA

Forget OBD locks as none I found were not designed for GM ports. The ones claimed, I bought several and after installing, could break them off in due time. The IGLA does not allow programming any new key fobs, period, unless you unlock it with its pin. Only you know the pin code, not even the installer knows. Of course, I added other devices for more “layers” in prevention to the truck and the 5BW will get some of those as well.
Sorry you had a bad experience here. Thankfully all my vehicles stay in my garage, so nothing to note so far.

What race did you recently attend at COTA ? Or was it a driving class ?

I've only taken "parade" laps during motorcycle races, but it was pretty cool.
My last business trip to Austin was a few years prior and I stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn right off the edge of downtown and I35, they had a valet with a nice parking garage setup - might be my new go to Austin hotel! I was in a really nice MB SL550 Roadster for that trip!

I was at the Trans Am / SVRA / SpeedTour races. I used to race Trans Am TA2 and was hanging out with the team and fellow racers / friends. Hope to be back racing there later this year! COTA is a BLAST of a track!! I did a track day in the BW this past June. Chin Track Days has a weekend event coming up there in February, they are my favorite track day program - their Happy Hour is AWESOME! Lots of other good organizations too, like The Drivers Edge, Edge Addicts etc. I encourage you to get on track at COTA!

Pix of my previous TA2 Camaro at COTA.

2020 02 09-6699.jpeg
2020 02 08-4299.jpeg
2020 02 07-9594.jpeg
2020 02 07-8373.jpeg
2020 02 07-8262.jpeg
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Brad, I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, although it's certainly a PITA to deal with the aftermath. And kudos to the dealer.

I generally fall into the camp of "it's insured, I'm not going to lose sleep over worrying about it" but you can't help it, especially with a car like the BW that is so difficult to replace.

I've been to Texas twice. 'nuf said. ;)

Here at work we have about 300 people in the building and associated parking lot. A few years ago they hired full-time security to patrol the lot and keep an eye on things. We still have cars getting stolen, people robbed, etc. so that's not a great comfort. I do occasionally yell at the guard when I see him in the cafeteria or bathroom. "Hey, who's looking after my car!" He knows I'm kidding.

At least, I hope so. :unsure:
You all need an OBD2 port blocker. Austin is really bad, as well as certain parts of California and the east coast. Thieves can break the glass without setting off the ultrasonic alarm, clone a set of keys, and be gone in under 2 minutes. Then your car ends up doing burnouts and set on fire in a street takeover event. I'm a big fan of the VTT design:

C'mon man... I've lived in Austin for a decade and seriously don't know a single person who had their cars stolen. Literally not one. It definitely happens, but calling it "really bad" is riduclous.

As a point: New data shows 500 to 600 vehicles were stolen in Austin almost every month this year

7200 vehicles on the high side.

In Dallas: Dallas auto thefts declining after record high in 2023


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