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  1. 5

    Oh thank god

    I almost had to do work while this forum was down.
  2. 5

    Do you actually use the HUD?

    I almost never look at the HUD, I realize. Do you guys?
  3. 5

    Biggest fill up in the blackwing?

    I paid for the whole gas tank so I’m gonna use the whole gas tank!
  4. 5

    So I was watching the original Men in Black this morning.

    So the original Men in Black movie (great movie BTW) is on Netflix, along with MIB2 and MIB3, and I was watching it this morning. After the movie and browsing these forums I couldn't shake the feeling that I got neutralized. Like this undescribeable feeling that something suddenly and silently...
  5. 5

    2023 models get new blackwing badge on the trunk?

    https://www.motortrend.com/features/2023-cadillac-car-model-updates/ At least according to motortrend. I wonder where they put it, center or to one side. I guess I gotta see it to see if I would like it. It would mean the 2022 year are the only whispered blackwings.
  6. 5

    Is sky cool gray, gray?

    Extension of the media dump thread. Is sky cool gray light gray or is it another color?
  7. 5

    Was my engine made by a noob?

    On the registry for CT5s there is a section for who made the engine. Seems like Stinson made the most engines. Only one name there only made 1 engine. Caleb Dudley. I just checked and mine is made by Kristie Montgomery, as far as I can tell all the others are made by men (cue jokes about the...
  8. 5

    Okay which one of you guys traded it in for a Kia.

    www.premierkiact.com/used/CADILLAC/2022-CADILLAC-CT4-V-branford-ct-523684230a0e0971237ac0baa5c1b0de.htm?store=CT030&gclid=CjwKCAjw_ISWBhBkEiwAdqxb9r-m1MHy3cQhKohLaYOMnywdfCFUxNRryf5LrPfdfkdQiu26Y7SClhoCVCgQAvD_BwE And a collectors edition too.
  9. 5

    CT5 blackwing same width as regular CT5

    This surprised me. Apparently the CT5 blackwing is the same width as a regular CT5. The front fenders are wider but the rear ones are exactly the same and thus the overall width is the same. I thought for sure the blackwing would have wider rear fenders but the stance is all from tires/offset...
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